Monday, March 1, 2021

 Alleluia! Healing Haiti Team Arrival Day - We are here!

The anticipation for this journey has been a bit different for each of us. God knit this team together and chose us and this week, and we are READY! And we are ready with arm and eyes wide open to serve and love this week! In the words of Bob Goff and our evening devotion, "Love is never stationary. In the end, love just doesn't keep thinking about it or keep planning for it. Simply put: love does."   We are READY to do.



  1. Blessings to Haiti & your team!! May each of you serve with an open heart to not only give but to receive. Love to each of you!! -Marisa

  2. So proud of you Troy! I was there in 2002! The people are so awesome!

  3. Thinking of all of you this week! Blessings to your group and the wonderful people of Haiti!

  4. Congrats! I look forward to hearing about your journey. Take care of yourselves especially that jolly handsome Randall!

  5. Yay!! The light bearers arrived in Haiti! The Lord bless and keep you all. Thank you for the updates.

  6. That’s Awesome. I Love what you said, Shannon. There are so many times that I “plan” to do something or have good intentions but Never carry them out. Love Does. Thank you for those inspiring words that Motivate me to want to do more.

    May God Bless your acts of Love, Bear Good Fruit, and Reap a Harvest! 🙌🏼😃❤️
