Monday, December 9, 2019

Our Trip is Upon Us

All of us come from different backgrounds and all of us have different reasons for wanting to travel to Haiti.  We all have taken time off of our busy schedules and spent considerable effort and thought in preparing for our upcoming mission trip.  Some of us will have doubts.  Some are excited and some are probably not quite sure what this will be like.  For some, this will be their first time volunteering and they're probably wondering what they could possibly have to offer to the people of Haiti.  Bill Hybels answers this best in " The Volunteer Revolution".

"What do I have to offer?  More than you probably think.  You have the gifts and talents you were born with.  The passions that inspire you.  The blessings of education.  The skills you've honed as you worked at home and in the marketplace.  The life experiences that have matured you.  The pain that has deepened you.  The love that spills from God's heart into your's.

Once you decide to invest even a small portion of the blessings God has given to you into the lives of others, you'll find the seed of something powerful sown in your soul.  And someday, in the midst of giving yourself in the spirit and act of volunteering, that seed will blossom into the amazing realization that this is what you were made for".

So as we move forward, with Haiti being much calmer than it has been in previous weeks, we are hopeful we will all have a chance to make a difference in the lives of the Haitians that we'll encounter.  As of tonight,  our itinerary will include all areas of Healing Haiti's ministry.

Dave McCarthy