Saturday, December 14, 2019

Cite Soleil Elder Party

What a wonderful day!!!

We were able to travel to Cite Soliel to celebrate Christmas with the Elders who live in and attend church there. If you are hearing about Cite Soleil for the first time, it is important to know that it is the poorest slum area in the Western Hemisphere. There is very limited to no electricity, no access to clean water and most people live in tin shanties. This is an area where most are unable to leave, as they feel there is no way out. The poverty is real, the desperation is unimaginable. You simply can't believe or understand it unless you have been there. Typically, people who have been there have no words for what they have seen once they return home.

Why is it important to know this? Because this area has nothing. Absolutely nothing, EXCEPT the love of Christ in their hearts. Their faith is something that I rarely see at home. When greeted with "How are you?", the typical response is "Good with Jesus".  I am guilty of a selfish reply back home, "oh, I'm so busy....". My first thoughts go to the things on my to-do list. We live in a 1st world county with 1st world problems and mind sets, full of abundance. It's the things we have instead of what is in our hearts and who we are loving and serving.

Today, we served the Elders of Hope Church in Cite Soleil. When we arrived there were already about 50 people waiting for us. Our team quickly divided and knew exactly what we were going to do. We set up two stations for washing feet, one station for washing hands and one station for doing nail polish. Every single Elder was washed, lotioned, massaged, hugged, prayed over and loved on in some way while our team was there. We had worship music and most of the Elders and our team members got up and danced, it was so fun to see their smiling faces! A few Elders stood up in front of their peers and gave their testimony or sang a song that was important to them. Then, a wonderful Haitian meal was served. It was a fantastic day!

During our "word of the day", when we had group in the evening, many of us were overcome with emotions as we reminisced about our day. These beautiful Elders, so thankful.... we were so blessed by them today. Blessed by their beautiful smiles, blessed by their hugs, blessed by their "thank you's", blessed by their tears, blessed by their singing and dancing, blessed by their love.

I could go on and on about the Elders in Cite Soleil, I love them. But, I will leave with a quote from Mother Teresa..."If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." Serve the one in front of you, God put them there for a reason.

Peace - Marni

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