Tuesday, March 5, 2019


As we drove from the guest house to TeacHaiti, Papillion, and LaPhare Orphanage we were impressed to see that more and more roads have been paved and there's even a stoplight in a busy intersection now. We were struck by the CALM we felt traveling to our destinations.

It was our first visit to TeacHaiti and we were INSPIRED to hear the director's story and the efforts and strides they are making to educate the young people of Haiti. Although it was a holiday so most students were not there, we could see the progress they are making and their passion for education and TEACHING.

At LaPhare we were greeted with SMILES galore which fit perfectly with our theme of "Smile, Jesus Loves You". The children were so very engaged and intent in listening to our telling of the Easter Story and were then able to make their own story with stickers. The crafts brought many more smiles and our play time with them is always a time of joy and showing them God's love for them through us.

Our team member, JC, finally arrived today and we are so overjoyed to have him with us for what he calls a SURREAL adventure that he never would have dreamed he would be on.

Each day brings new revelations into how God is working through us in sometimes UNEXPECTED ways. We can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings.

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