Monday, April 9, 2018

First Lutheran Church Day 7

Sunday, April 8th, our last full day in Haiti! 

Today, we started the morning with Worship at Church on the Rock.  They asked that we not take pictures (even Lisa obeyed the rule this time) so I will describe it the best I can.

The auditorium was filled with local Haitians and visitors with so much energy! It was addicting and moving. All were dressed in their Sunday best, and all were welcomed.  You would look up and see so many hands and hearts reaching up praising and worshiping our Lord together. I think I saw Jane raise her arms. (and a tissue) It was a moving morning as only God can do.

After Church we rode out to Carries, Haiti for some fun in the sun at Wahoo Bay. It was a great opportunity to replenish our bodies, mind and soul for our trip home and the days ahead of us. A well needed renewal, and God gave us a perfect day for it!   Hallelujah!

Brandi showed us her "can do" attitude once again as she ventured out of her comfort zone and did some snorkeling with the team.  Just the fact that 13 of us all went on one old fishing row boat is enough to gather one's courage.  (Josh, I sure hope you got the glue off your foot from the boat.
Another lesson learned; remember to check out the equipment before starting to barter the price.)
I think I saw a mother-daughter kayak race; Kara& Lori definitely earned first place and took the hardware home!  Elise requested a new partner. J   Bodi was “King of the Raft” until Emily& Rachel joined.  Nothing can stop those two when they are together. 💗

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