Monday, May 27, 2019

Second Day in Cite Soleil

By far today was one of the most challenging on us both physically and mentally. We did a different stop along the water truck line and boy was this was worlds different than our other stop. Last night it rained a significant amount, so the kids and parents were not in dire need of the water. In fact, most of them took this opportunity to bathe, wash clothes, and play a little bit in the water. While some of this stop was very frustrating for most of us, we all realized that this was good look into what the Haitian life was really like. We did end up having to shut the water off and move because there was a little bit of chaos, we then went to stop 17 which is the stop we had previously done. This was not as wild after the kids from the other stop were sent back to their stop.

We also got the opportunity to do Elder's visit in Cite Soleil. They looked a little bit different than our other Elder visit because we did not wash their feet or sing songs to them. Instead we brought them a hot meal, had the pastor sing to them in Creole, and then we prayed over them. The elders of Cite Soleil were much more sick and therefore had very little strength. We did have the chance to walk through Cite Soleil which was a bit overwhelming to say the least. However, again it was an experience.

We got home a little early because of the weather, but we took advantage of the hot sun here and went to the Elite Hotel pool and caught some rays.

Tomorrow is beach day!!!
With Love,
The Coo Girls (and Kevin)

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