Friday, March 5, 2021

Alleluia Team Blog Day 5

This morning we got up early and went to an amazing church and listened to the Haitians worship. It was definitely unlike anything I had ever seen. Every person there was raising their hands as they walked down the aisles; energy radiated around the room. There was one older man that was full of life as he danced down every aisle greeting every person he saw as he worshiped our amazing God. 

Following this amazing service, we had the opportunity to serve our awesome Healing Haiti staff. We set up a party just outside the guesthouse where the staff ate lunch and had fellowship together. They all arrived with their beautiful fancy suits and dresses on and were so excited to take pictures with each other. Carol presented them with awards for each and every staff member. As soon as she called their names, their faces would light up with the brightest smile. Carol's word of the day today was family; the Healing Haiti staff and all the missionaries that have come are really all one big family. It felt amazing to be able to serve the people that do so much for us, by doing anything from translating Creole to English to providing us with delicious food!
