Saturday, December 15, 2018

Today we got to return to Citi Solei to deliver water again and we were so blessed as a team by the number of people who remembered us from our Wednesday trip!  Our final orphanage we visited was Lapherre's and for those of us who have been to Lapherre's we were so encouraged by the way God has provided for Lapherre's!

 It was a challenging day for many reasons and we are thankful to be able to come together as a team at the end of our day to worship and debrief our experiences.


JOHN - humbled
CORRINA - puzzle(d)
ASHLYNN - building
BRENDA - turn
KIM - extremes
ANDREA - found
EMILY - details
MICHELE - thirsty
BEN - language
HEIDI - renewed
LYDIA - sister
BUCK - control
SHANNON - miracle
ANNETTE - 2worlds
BRANDON - ourvwa