Monday, August 15, 2016

Day 1: We made it!

After an early morning rise, and a long day traveling through the Minneapolis and Atlanta airports, we finally arrived at our home for the next week...Haiti!

Although we have had numerous team meetings, socials, phone calls, texts, and emails, you really don't get to know your team until you begin your adventure at the airport. I can sense feelings excitement, anxiety, confidence, and a general sense of not really knowing what God has in store for you! However, this team is a special one, and I can't wait to watch them learn, grow, and create a story that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Personally, I can't believe how excited I was to be back at the Healing Haiti guest house. This house has always been a foundation amidst the chaos of Haiti. A place where vulnerabilities are exposed, emotions are raw, and families and friendships are forged together. I will always remember my first mission trip to Haiti and being welcomed by a quote from Alyn Shannon, co-founder of Healing Haiti. It read "What is God trying to teach you?" Please pray that our team will open our hearts to to all the lessons we are about to learn.
