Sunday, June 12, 2016

Dan Leslie - Team Texas - June 12, 2016 (Day 7)

Day 7 - Port Au Prince Fellowship Church & Visiting the Mountain

Word of the Day: Contrast

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God! It is He who made us, and we are His..." (Psalm 100:1-3a)

There is something very beautiful about waking up on a Sunday morning and hearing worship songs coming from nearby. They are not concerned about offending anyone or singing too loud; their concern is praising the God who loves them. In a country where an estimated 80% is Roman Catholic, few people have not heard of "Jezi" but sometimes Christianity is mixed with voodoo and other practices. Praise and worship is done in community but seems to be one of the few aspects of Haitian culture that is done somewhat independently. The young learn from the old and walk the isles and pray, yell and sing out loud in the Haitian churches. It is incredible to see people who appear to have so little be so grateful. People who wear pressed and clean clothes that live in dirt houses with no electricity and running water. This might be the norm here but it is still not normal.

Today will definitely be a day of contrast, we are going to an English church in a little while then will visit the mountains. Typically those who are better off move into the mountains because it is cooler up there is comparison to the rest of the island. There will be more restaurants and actual buildings to shop in. There is a sense of guilt for me in enjoying this beautiful side of Haiti after seeing the extreme poverty "down below". Its hard to believe that the other side of this very same island is the Dominican Republic, a popular place for vacations and destination weddings. Again more contrast, one side was settled by the French (Haiti) and the other side by the Spaniards (Dominican Republic).

We did a bit of shopping while on the mountain. Haiti has some amazing artisans who create beautiful things.

Its hard to justify why some have so much and some have so little. On the other hand its hard to understand why Haitian people with less appreciate more and Americans with more are thankful for less. God has a plan. I feel like I am but a small part of it.

Tomorrow morning we head to Haiti!  We've prepared, we've packed, we've prayed and now we are ready to go and see what God has in store for us!!  At a lovely post church prayer service this morning, someone prayed that God would be preparing all of our interactions and that we would serve just the people that He desires us to serve.   Isn't that amazing that the God of the universe would care about all of the details of our trip and be orchestrating just what Haitian's our team would bless and just what Haitian's would bless our team.  We are so excited to carry out the plans that He has laid out for us!!  Thank you so much to everyone who has prayed for us, donated items, and supported us financially!  We are truly grateful!

I have the pleasure (I think) of taking three of my children to Haiti with our team this year.  The big questions Haiti ready for them???