Today we started our day off by our team going to church on the rock at 6:00 am. It was a very spiritual service and we all had the chance to pray over each other.
we then moved on to our half water truck day which many of us can say it was much different than the last water truck day. We connected with the people of cite soleil through music and dance. our team member Edna was teaching some dance moves and even had a couple of "dance off's" with the people. Not only children were involved but the adults were enjoying the fellowship. We had everyone involved with the music which made it so powerful and we can all say God moved in and thru through the whole town in such a beautiful way.!
After the water truck, we enjoyed some team time by the poolside.
The day ended with the most powerful time sharing Jesus Calling devotional. It was a time for us to open up and get vulnerable with one another. We invited the guest house intern, Ashley to join us. It was her first introduction to our SVCC teams' to see the level of trust and love we have for each other.
God Bless SVCC team!