We came home from church, changed into our beach clothes, and hit the road to Wahoo Bay Beach Club. It was a complete contrast to our previous days of service, but a very welcomed retreat. The scenery was breathtaking with Caribbean waters on one side, and lush green mountains on the other. We had lunch, swam in the ocean, jumped on the water trampoline, collected shells and hung out in the pool. It was a great final day of relaxation and time together as a team.
When we arrived back at the guest house, we had dinner and celebrated Janae's 11th birthday with cake. During our team time, Jess shared a devotion about Hope which tied perfectly to this morning's sermon. We shared our final word of the day and reflected on the week's blessings. As we depart for the airport tomorrow, we are sure to all take a piece of Haiti home with us in our hearts.
Jill, Donna, Lauren & Carter
Words of the Day
Jessica - espwa (hope)
Samantha - telephone
Donna - home
Jill - breathtaking
Janae - swim
Jorja - relaxation
Carter - God's creation
Stephanie - bittersweet
Hallie - difference
Sierra- water
Lauren - refreshed
Karlee - parent
Todd - wonder
Noah - salt
Nettie - thankful