This day touched my heart in a special way. We were able to go to a special needs orphanage and play with the kids. During this trip, it has been really difficult for me to interact with people because of the language barrier. Today, I was able to find a way to communicate with the kids, even though I wasn't speaking in a way they would understand. I learned how to talk to them without actually using my words, and that was a special moment for me. My Word for the Day went along with the way we played with them, language. Showing a little girl how to play hopscotch was definitely a challenge, but I shortly learned, completely doable. I watched as she not only taught other kids how to play, but managed to draw one herself. Stepping back and watching her have fun and laugh at my game, was the moment that stuck with me. For that moment she was completely joyful.
Shannon said something in our devotional tonight that especially stuck with me. She said that the purpose of us being here isn't to fix everything in Haiti, but to bring and share joy and love with others. We are here to be Jesus's hand and feet, and to serve as he would. I think that today we did just that. I am so proud to be here to serve and love the people of Haiti. As Randall said today, there is no place I would rather be right now.