Alo (Hello) from Felicia and Isabel, the early riser of the team. We both enjoy our EARLY quiet time with Jesus before starting our day. Felicia started her day flipping pancakes with Isabel's daughter, Kaylee, along with our blessed Haitian women staff. We united together around our morning devotion on love which was a wonderful preparation to then go live it.
During our tour of Grace Village the Long Term Missionary, Kiki shared how Grace Village provides a safe place to care for and gently aid in the transition for children who have experienced trauma in their lives. They care for over 50 orphans and run a school where nearly 500 students of all age attend. We got to see Grace Clinic where they care for the children at Grace Village and the people who live in the surrounding village of Titanye. Before living we got to see all the kids get out of school laughing and playing. Kids are kids everywhere!
Next we went to serve three of our elders sponsored by Healing Haiti in their homes. It was a privilege to serve them by washing their hands and feet, while worshiping (even in Creole). The elders were able to give us their prayer requests through our interpreters and we prayed over them before heading back to the Fleri Bakery at Grace Village. We enjoyed the tour by the Long Term Missionary, Jake and he told us how their employees love working for the Lord and being able to provide for their families and in turn their communities. It truly showed how Healing Haiti's mission to strengthen families is really being carried out.
We ended our day visiting the memorial site for the victims of the January 12, 2010 earthquake which is now the final resting place for approximately 150,000 out of the 300,000 people who lost their lives that day. We also got to listen to the testimony of our interpreters who survived that day in a building that did not fall. Praise God!
And just to make you smile, we helped rescue a goat that had fallen into a hole at the memorial. She was so happy to be free at last!
Ke Bondye beni'ou (May God bless you),
Felicia & Isabel