Today was packed and we're spent! We made three successful trips to Cite Soleil with the water truck; thank God! We also visited Hope church/school in Cite Soleil.
To learn more about Hope Church:
To sponsor a child:
We delivered 10,500 gallons of water today! In short, one of two themes for the day is "when in doubt smile" - as it is the universal language. We worked in tandem with women and children by carrying 5 gallon water buckets to their homes. We communicated with hand gestures, body language and most importantly a smile. The women and children were receptive and appreciative of our presence. Another theme for the day is "community" because we were given little instruction about Water Truck Day however we worked like a well oiled machine. Specifically, all hands were on deck: we played with children, carried buckets of water, held the hose on the water truck and prayed with people. Since we were all "present in the moment", God worked through us all day.
Let's talk about emotions... they are/were all over the place! We saw and felt so much excitement, joy and love from the Haitians while delivering water. Alternatively, we were somewhat saddened by the poverty and their daily fight for survival - we will never understand it. However, their joy and strength ultimately gave us strength to do what God intended us to do today. We cannot wait to deliver water again!
Mary & Raechell