This week as we have served in Haiti we have seen so many sad and disturbing things but today we got to see a glimpse of hope for the wonderful people of Haiti. Most have seen more hardship in the last six years than many of us have or will see in a lifetime. But I say we got to see hope because of the work that we witnessed in the places we visited today. We started the day early, going to worship and prayer at a local church that started at 6:00 am. What a great way to start the day in prayer and worship to our great God! We couldn't understand most of what was being said but you could see the genuine faith and dependence on God as the people prayed and poured out their hearts to Him. It's easy for us to take it for granted and to lose sight of God's grace because our faith is often not tested in the ways we see here. Most of the people we have encountered have an utter dependence on God for everything. I can't ever remember a time when I had to worry about where my next meal was going to come from or if I would be able to afford medicine for my children. What a great reminder to have a greater faith in God.
Next we went to General Hospital which is a state run hospital and where most of the Haitian people living in Port-au-Prince go for their medical care. We had the opportunity to go to the children's ward and hand out care packages to the families of these sick little ones. I visited there 18 months ago and to say the conditions have improved would be an understatement. There were many nurses and doctors caring for the children, where previously there were maybe three nurses for the entire ward. It was also great to see many moms and dads there loving on their children and trying their best to take care of them.
After the hospital we went to a place called the Apparent Project/Papillion Enterprises. This is a company that was started six years ago with about 15 employees and now employs around 190 people. They make beads out of clay, paper and cereal boxes; t-shirts; mugs; dolls; ornaments; and many other products that they then sell in their store and online. They also run a daycare and pre-school so that mamas with small children can work and provide for their families.
After that we went to an orphanage called Dare's which is a home for children with special needs. We were excited that we were able to go visit them because they just moved into a bigger home. We were able to spend time playing and singing with the kids. It was amazing to see one of the older boys start leading the singing and all the other kids joined in with him. The kids were so happy to welcome the team into their home and just spend time with us.
This is now my second visit to Haiti and I see such positive changes that are happening and can see God at work in the lives of the Haitian people. We look forward to what God has in store for Haiti in the coming years but also what He has in store for us as we finish our week here in Haiti. We pray that we will be used of Him and that we will listen to what it is He's trying to teach each of us through this trip. Please continue to pray with us and for us that we will be His hands and feet.
Josh and Heather