Sunday: A Window of Opportunity
As many of you know, I love watching the sunrise in Haiti. It's usually a quiet time at the guest house since everyone is usually still asleep. It's also a time that I like to spend praying and reflecting on what the day will bring and what God has planned for me.
This time of the year, the sun rises around 6 am, which is much earlier than back home in Minnesota. Nonetheless, even after a long day of travel yesterday, I still set my alarm, grabbed a cup of coffee and made my way to the balcony of our guest house to watch the sun come up.
As I looked to the sky, there was a giant cloud hanging over the eastern horizon, which I thought would definitely be blocking the sunrise. However, I noticed there was a little break in the cloud right over the horizon...a window of opportunity for the sun to come-up. And, what a fitting way to begin our week of serving here in Haiti.
Over the past several weeks, Haiti has experienced a considerable amount of unrest, which has limited our teams' ability to serve. This week, our team decided to travel to Haiti with palms up and open to whatever God has in-store for us. We know that God places us right where we need to be at just the right time, and this week is our window of opportunity to serve in Haiti.