Monday, February 1, 2021

Day 1-Firsts

Today was a day of firsts on many levels...

Fist time a team I’ve been on spent the night not sleeping in the airport waiting for the morning flight.

First time for one of our goers to travel outside the states.

Normally the first day, because of how late we get in, is not a real ministry day, but really a day to settle in.

But, because we stayed overnight in the airport we were able to jump right into serving today, ministering to babies...holding, feeding, changing, and laughing with the sweetest little ones...

So, yeah, firsts were prominent on our first day :)

The words we talked through as a team tonight were worth, innocence, fortunate, and laughter...

This trip, lack of sleep, risk, these babies, all worth it...the innocence of these dear children with potentially risky fortunate we are to have the lives we have and to be able to experience a trip like this...laughter flowed from us and these children as an expression of God’s Grace and Joy on our trip and our day!

Thank you Lord for a Blessed day of firsts!