Sunday, August 25, 2019

Team Lighthouse/Kremer-Day 6

Sunday: a day of reflection and team time. After a vigorous but extremely rewarding week of serving our Lord, we ended our wonderful experience here in Haiti by going to Rendezvous Church this morning and taking a trip up the mountain this afternoon. Rendezvous Church, as hot and sweaty as I got, gave me goosebumps every couple of minutes. From the band and singers worshipping with all their hearts, to the visiting pastor who preached about God’s desire to have a relationship with each of His children, I felt the overwhelming presence and love of Jesus. The trip up the mountain gave us the chance to see Port-au-Prince from a different perspective than we had witnessed throughout the week. We got to see the beauty of God’s creation from a broader angle than we had while interacting on a more intimate level with people during water truck days, orphanage visits, and elder visits. What a great experience to see Haiti from some of the different layers God has magnificently created it in.
            Since my first trip to Haiti, the country and its beautiful people have filled my heart to a level I never knew possible. Today’s day of reflection has led me to many revelations, but here I will share two of my favorites. 
1-   I am third. The saying “I am second” is a popular one for many Christians as we realize how important it is to put God before anything else in our lives, including our own worries or needs. As my first official trip as a leader rather than a goer, God has taught me how to put the needs of others in front of my own in each and every circumstance. He sure blessed me with an amazing team to help me grow both in my leadership skills but in my spirituality as well. 
2-   Look by faith, not by sight. It is easy to get caught up in the poverty of Haiti, but if you let it overcome you, you miss the opportunity to experience the beauty and abounding presence of God in each person you come into contact with. When I stood in Cite Soleil earlier this week, I took in the overwhelming piles of garbage, sewage water in the streets, and the small tin shacks that house more people than seems physically possible. However, this was me looking by sight. When I looked through faith, I saw the beauty of Christ in each child’s eyes, the joyous smiles of everyone waiting to get life-sustaining water, and the humidity in the air turned into the all-embracing presence of Christ. What a wonderful, more positive way to experience life and the beauty of God’s creation.

Being unsure of when my next trip to Haiti will be, saying goodbye tomorrow will tough, but God has His plans for me. He also knows my servant heart can only wait so long before coming back to my favorite place! Having a week to devote solely to God and His Haitian children is such an amazing experience, and I am constantly reminded of His gloriousness each time I step foot in this beautiful country. Glwa pou Bondye (Glory to God)
