It was water truck day so we began our day with a "palms up" prayer. Palms up means "you are strong enough to be vulnerable" (Love Does by Bob Goff). We prepared ourselves to be mentally and physically strong for our 3 water truck stops.
The Haitians have no clean water so all of their water is delivered to them. The first stop is to fill the water truck then travel behind them in the "tap tap" (the truck we ride in) and then on to Cite Soleil. As we traveled to City Soleil the team members who have been here several times saw the many changes that give them hope that things are changing! For the ones on their first trip it was overwhelming, chaotic and awesome! Max, our driver, gives a thrill ride that won't be forgotten!
At the stops every team member had to physically work hard to help with the hose, haul water buckets, and have children clamoring to be held and loved. There were times when we were carrying a bucket of water in one hand, had a child on the other hand, and 2 more tugging our shirt from behind. Although we had our "palms up", they were never empty!
Although we were drained, filthy, and tired, we finished the day with a tour of Healing Haiti's new farm.
After showering and having dinner, we are now refreshed and ready for another day!