Saturday, February 22, 2020
Day #6 Alleluia Church Team - Mountains
Find out what God is calling you to do and DO it!
If not us, then who
If not me and you
Right now, it's time for us to do something
If not now, then when
These song lyrics by Matthew West speak to me so strongly. Sometimes it feels like the world's problems, (or even in your family or in your community) seems so big - too big to do anything, or to wrap your head around. However I don't think God is calling you to FIX every problem, but rather he is calling you to DO SOMETHING.
I first felt this calling do something back in 2012. For me, it was Haiti. And Haiti has been in my heart ever since. Things in Haiti certainly aren't easy and aren't often comfortable, however Ezekiel 36:36 reminds us that our broken heart will be replaced with a new heart and a new spirit. It is in the uncomfortable and heartbroken that God really begins to use us.
There has been much heartache this week, however we have also experienced so much joy. But most of all, there has been so much beauty and and so much LOVE. The love of God, the love of our Haitian brothers and sisters, and the love of our team. Today was certainly no exception - so much love and beauty!
We traveled an hour south of Port-au-Prince into the beautiful lush mountain communities of Kenscoff and Furcy. We served in the Kenscoff community with the local leaders and 60 kids. We had story and activity/craft time, then served them a snack. There was much joy in this church space today! Then we meet, served and prayed with 2 elders in the community. They both told us of their love of God! There was much LOVE and JOY in this mountain town today!
Then in the remote village of Furcy, we were invited to the home of one of community leaders for a cup of their freshly roasted coffee. What a blessing for us to sit at his house and share this time together.
We finished off our time in the mountain with an adventurous hike to a remote waterfall! We had a handful of local young men as guides and supporters in the steepest areas. The hillsides and views were so beautiful.
Because I was able to listen to this call to visit Haiti, I've been able to witness God's love in so many people and in so many places that I never thought possible. Thank you God for putting this beautiful country in my heart!