Friday, March 1, 2019
You Can't Stop Children from Learning
When the alarm awoke us at 5:30 a.m., it was because we had an opportunity to visit Church on the Rock, which began at 6:00 a.m. We arrived at the open air church where there were hundreds of chairs available for worshippers. The pastor spoke mostly in Creole but also spoke in English. The worshippers were praying and also pacing the floor, praising Jesus and thanking God for their blessings. It was truly enjoyable.
Our first visit this morning was to the Elder school, which is a school in City Soleil. They were having a "carnival day" which was explained to us as a Mardi Gras celebration. The school was decorated for the occasion. The children were dressed up, had masks on, music was playing and the children danced. It was a wonderful experience to see the children celebrate.
Water truck today had two stops. We played with the children in a circle game which they enjoyed very much. We helped fill water buckets, carry them and held many children.
We toured Hope School and Hope Church. We were able to visit their Innovation Lab, which is new at the school. The lab uses iPads that are connected to larger screen TVs. They have the newest educational learning apps for the children. It provides a great opportunity for the children and their future, teaching them problem solving skills and creativity.
We toured Fleri Farm in City Soleil. The farm is 28 acres and all farmed without machinery. They grow plantains, coconuts, mangos, beans, and citronella, along with other plants. The hope is to one day turn the farm over to the Haitians to create jobs and self-sufficiency.
Sherri and Nancy